Board of Directors

The Asheton Lakes Property Owners Association Board of Directors is made up of nine Asheton Lakes residents who volunteer their time to oversee the business and maintenance of the neighborhood. Each member serves a 3 year term and there are 3 vacancies each year. If you are interested in serving either as a Board Member, Committee Member or Committee Chair please contact a current member for more information.

The Board typically meets the second Wednesday of each month.

If you have a question or concern about our neighborhood, please use the Contact Form for assistance.



Josh Weaver (President)

Donald Clarkson (Vice President)

Jay Burns

Jessica Kohn

Kerry McGinnis

Meg Meadows

Scott Coulter

Amanda Wilson

Steve Witten


To contact the Board directly, email you inquiry to:

The Board typically meets the second Wednesday of each month.
If you have a question or concern about our neighborhood, please use the Contact Form for assistance.

Association Manager

The Asheton Lakes POA Board of Directors and Association Manager, Jessica Kohn, runs the day to day operations of the POA. 

If you have a question or concern about our neighborhood, please use the Contact Form for assistance.